Exclusive Retreat Coaching Programs

A U T H E N T I C I T Y 
The unique coaching programs facilitated during the Exclusive Sailing Retreats are focused on you getting reconnected with your authentic nature and heart's desires and then manifesting life from there.

R E L E A S E  &  C R E A T E 
Body, Mind and Spirit undergo an unparalleled replenishment through the deliberate dissolving and releasing of limitations. The techniques used are easy to learn and to continue after your retreat. You are in professional experienced hands guiding you through that process. Mik has studied and worked with these methods since 2009.

A W A R E N E S S 
Taking it a step further the specialty and expertise of your coach and facilitator is expanding Awareness and tuning into Consciousness where Creation takes place. Everything is Energy, what if you can become aware and use that to change your reality?
This is not about "the Secret" or about a universe power outside of you; This is about the Universe inside of you giving the power over your life back to you. What if it's easier that way?

W A T E R W H I S P E R I N G 
Saltwater, its healing capacities and water consciousness and what that can mean are woven like a golden thread throughout all the sailing retreats. It's hard to grasp but backed by a science archive, the news about water consciousness is more and more exposing its true meaning to humanity. 
Mik is one of the "Water Whisperers" destined to share this profound information. With practical exercises and products enhancing your well-being, you can experience this knowledge for yourself.

Feel free to get in touch with Mik and find out more how all this can work for you.

B E N E F I T S 
Purpose of the sessions and exercises during our specialty sailing retreats:
• Utilize the healing aspects of seawater
• Stress Relief for body and mind
• Release your limiting beliefs 
• Reconnect with your true Self
• Learn how to expand Awareness and learn why!!
• Creating your life and dreams from Consciousness.
• Many many tools and exercises to use forever...

Everything onboard the yacht surrounded by water and in the water is about wellness;
Healthify, Wealthify and Beautify your Life.

W E L C O M E  A B O A R D 


"The Water Whisperer"

Capitana Mika

Capitana Mika

Founder, Holistic Transformation Coach & Captain
Capitana Mika, the creator of Sail into Consciousness™ is a "creator pur sang". With a bachelor degree in arts and fine art photography, she made a colourful journey throughout her life. Born on the water (1967) she develops a special bond with water throughout her life. She also travels and lives in foreign countries growing up. Art Academy and photography fine-tune her conceptual creativity which sets a baseline for her future career. Her capacities with energy perception and healing sprout at a sudden turning point in her life. A discovery of capacities that could not be ignored led her to study and train with several modalities to advanced levels. Once working with clients to relieve their physical ailments she connects the dots of trapped energies in people's bodies. The often emotional response of her clients inspires her but also requires her to study professional coaching. One led to another and besides being a personal counsellor, she became a trainer to teach groups how to detect and handle different forms of energy. Sailing was a calling that combined her accumulated knowledge with her newfound water communication skills. The focus lies on creating change with ease. From turmoil to peace and calm, happiness is the ultimate goal. You are in extremely capable hands with a lady with rich life experience. Her non-judgmental attitude makes you feel welcome to Be You at all times. She'll take you beyond your comfort zone. How far do you wish to go? Get in touch for a personal chat with Mika by phone, telegram or Zoom.